We care about you because we are you.

FlexYourADHD was originally founded by Dorsey McFadden in October 2020 to increase awareness and support for people with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The passing of her older brother after a lifetime of struggling with substance abuse misunderstood and mistreated ADHD, catalyzed her to better understand her own ADHD and to connect with other adults with ADHD; something she had never done. 

Over time she grew the community, finding other individuals on similar paths who wanted to take an active role in developing the website, contributing the body of knowledge, and supporting members. Many of these contributors are also leading their own efforts to expand awareness of ADHD in their home countries. 

Many of us are also pursuing ADHD Coaching Certification and are eager to share our knowledge with others. We even have an #AskACoach channel in our Slack community where our members can directly benefit from the most tested coaching models for ADHD.

Any member of the Flex community is welcome and encouraged to contribute according to their interest and capacity. You could post a single article or contribute on a recurring basis, provide a photo, moderate a Slack channel, whatever plays to your strengths and sparks your passion!