The ADHD Continuum

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

The ADHD Continuum is a comprehensive model designed to illustrate the full range of experiences that come with living with ADHD, in other words, how it feels to have an ADHD brain. It serves as a reflective tool to help individuals identify their current position in managing ADHD and recognize the areas in which they excel or may require additional support. This resource stands out because it focuses on the internal aspects of ADHD—how it feels rather than how it might appear to others.

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Effective Accountability: How to Get Stuff Done Without Getting Done In

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  • Reading time:14 mins read

Used as a universal approach, accountability delivers inconsistent productivity at best. At worst, it can accelerate ADHD burnout by adding to your overall stress. Let's talk about accountability and when it is—and isn’t—the best tool for the job so you can get stuff done without making yourself miserable.

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Own Your ADHD

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Stop wasting your own time and money wondering what you’re doing wrong or what’s wrong with you. You already know, you just haven’t connected the dots yet.

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